also offers reports on the status and usage of voice mail ports and
voice mail storage usage by user. For details, see these sections:
Voice Mail Extensions
Voice Mail Passwords
IMAP for Integrated Voice Mail
Off-Site Notification
Port Usage
User Usage
Voice Mail Extensions The number of voice mail ports on your system determines the number of
voice mail sessions that can take place at one time. The default NBX
system includes 4 voice mail ports. You can purchase a license for
additional capacity. Each voice mail port has an extension number. See
Extension Settings Overview on page 52 for more information.
Voice Mail Passwords To retrieve voice messages, a user must log on using the extension
number and password. The password, a 4-digit to 10-digit number,
allows access to Personal Settings in the NBX NetSet utility and to voice
mail from the telephone.
The user can change the password from the telephone or by logging
in to the NBX NetSet utility
The administrator can reset a user password to the user’s extension
number. See Security on page 289 for information on Security
For more information about the menus and features available to users,
see the NBX Telephone Guide and the Help available on User screens
in the NBX NetSet utility.
IMAP for Integrated
Voice Mail
NBX Voice Mail uses an Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) server,
which enables users to access and manage their voice messages through
any IMAP-compliant e-mail client. As the administrator, you may need to
help users to configure e-mail clients.
Voice mail messages can be sent as mail messages with .WAV file
attachments. Double-clicking an attachment activates the computer’s
media player, and the voice message plays through the speakers or