the Auto Discovery process, you can manually configure the extension for
each analog line and each Digital Line Card channel, if you want.
PreTranslator Create
PreTranslator Create nPreTranslatorId szDescription
Description Creates a pretranslator. If the pretranslator already exists,
this command removes all of its entries and operations, and overwrites its
description with the new information.
nPreTranslatorId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768.
szDescription — The description or name of the pretranslator.
Example: This command creates a pretranslator, designates it as the first
one (number 1) and give it the title “4-to-3-digit DID/DDI pretranslator.”
PreTranslator Create 1 4-to-3-digit DID/DDI pretranslator
PreTranslatorEntry Create
PreTranslatorEntry Create nPreTranslatorId nEntryId szDigits
Description Creates a pretranslator entry and specifies a string of digits
that are compared to the incoming digits. If the pretranslator entry
already exists, this command overwrites it with the new information.
nPreTranslatorId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768.
nEntryId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768.
szDigits — The digits to compare to the incoming digits.
Example: These example commands create, in pretranslator 1, entries 1
through 10, each of which looks for a different single digit (0 through 9)
in the incoming digits.
PreTranslatorEntry Create 1 1 0