Example: If you define business hours from 8:00 to 17:00 on Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, and from 9:00 to 18:00 Tuesdays and
Thursdays, then a timed route entry both szStartTime and szEndTime set
to “open” applies differently on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday than on
Tuesday and Thursday.
You set the beginning and ending times for open, lunch, and other using
the NBX NetSet utility. Click System Configuration, then the Business
Identity tab, and the Business Hours button. The NBX system treats all
times not included these three categories as closed.
szEndTime — End time in 24-hour format, for example, “18:30” for
6:30 p.m. You can use either 00:000 or 24:00 to indicate midnight. If you
use a system mode (open, lunch, or other) for szStartTime, you must use
the same system mode for szEndTime.
szDaysOfWeek — A seven character mask in which each character
position represents one day of the week, beginning with Sunday as the
first character and ending with Saturday as the last character. The NBX
system excludes any day if a dot “.” character appears in that day's
position. (As a convention, you place the first letter of each day in the
appropriate character position to indicate that the day is included, but
you can use any letter you want; the presence of a dot “.” in a given
position excludes the day of the week and the presence of any other
character in that position selects that day.
You use the szDaysOfWeek parameter to specify when this timed route is
active. You can specify that the timed route entry apply to all days of the
week. If you specify the start and end times for open mode differently on
some days of the week than for other days, one timed route entry can
operate differently depending on the day.
Example: The system interprets “SMT.T.S” (or “XXX.X.X”) as “all days
except Wednesday and Friday.” The “dot” characters in positions four
and six exclude the fourth and sixth days of the week (Wednesday and
nDestinationRouteId — The Id of the destination route to use if this entry’s
time of day and day of week criteria are met.
Example: This example command creates two entries, one to define the
route to use during business hours (open) and the other to define the
route when the business is closed.