Dial Plan Configuration File Commands 111
nDialPlanTableId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768. The default
dial plan tables use ID numbers 1 through 3:
1 — Internal dial plan table
2 — Incoming dial plan table
3 — Least Cost Routing table
szDescription — The description or name of the dial plan table. the NBX
NetSet utility uses this name to refer to the table.
Example: This example command creates dial plan table 1 and names it
“Internal 4 Digit Extensions.”
Table Create 1 Internal 4 Digit Extensions
TableEntry Create
TableEntry Create nDialPlanTableId nEntryId szDigits
nMinDigits nMaxDigits szCallClass nPriority nRouteId
Description Creates an entry in a dial plan table that specifies a string
of digits that are compared to the dialed digits. If the dial plan table entry
already exists, this command overwrites it with the new information.
Dial plan table entries make Class of Service and call routing decisions
based on the correspondence of dialed digits and table entry digits.
nDialPlanTableId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768. The system
reserves three ID numbers:
1 — Internal dial plan table
2 — Incoming dial plan table
3 — Least Cost Routing table
nEntryId — An integer in the range 1 through 32768. Each entry must
have a unique ID. If two entries have the same ID, the system uses the
entry closer to the bottom of the configuration file (the one processed last).
szDigits — A string of dialed digits in a dial plan entry.