Auto Attendant 32 1
Removing an Auto Attendant
To remove an Auto Attendant, select NBX Messaging > Auto Attendant >
Remove. See the Help for procedures on removing an Auto Attendant.
You cannot remove the Default Menu Auto Attendant or the Voice Mail
Auto Attendant.
Restoring Auto Attendant Greetings
You can restore the greetings to their default values:
■aamenu.wav and aamenu2.wav prompts
■System-wide Morning, Afternoon and Evening greetings
This feature restores all of these prompts and greetings at the same time.
No other user-defined prompt is affected.
To restore greetings, select NBX Messaging > Auto Attendant > Restore
AA Greetings. See the Help for procedures on restoring greetings.
Voice Application
Setup Utility
The Auto Attendant Voice Application Setup utility provides a series of
voice prompts to guide you in configuring your Auto Attendant. You can
access the setup utility through any NBX Business Telephone.
The Voice Application Setup utility is useful for making short-term
changes to your Auto Attendant. For example, if you must close your
office because of bad weather, you can edit the main menu and direct
callers to a message telling them that your office is closed. However, you
cannot use the Voice Application Setup to configure submenus. That
must be done using the NBX NetSet utility. See “Submenus” on
page 312.
Although the setup utility lets you perform tasks in any sequence, 3Com
recommends this sequence when setting up the system for first time:
1Plan the system.
2Create profiles (phantom mailboxes and destination extensions).
3Start the Auto Attendant Setup utility.
4Change the Auto Attendant Setup utility password.
5Assign actions to key pad buttons.
6Record greetings and main menu prompts.