24 Configuring StorNext
1Click Next to begin using the Configuration Wizard.
The Enter License - Introduction screen appears.

Step 1: Entering a License

You must have a permanent or temporary license to configure or use StorNext. Use the Enter License
wizard to enter a permanent license string, or proceed using the 30-day temporary license that comes
with StorNext.
To obtain a permanent license , you must contact ATAC at licenses@adic.com and give them the
following information:
The product serial number from the StorNext box or CD
The number of client machines you want to support
The StorNext server identification number. You can find this number on the Confi guration
Wizard’s Enter License String screen.
Alternatively, you can obtain a license by going to www.adic.com/swlicense and providing the
required information.
After ATAC receives the above information, an ATAC representative will send you a license string.
Enter this license screen on the Enter License String screen to use StorNe xt with your permanent
Note If you use the temporary li cense, be sure to obt ain a permanent license

from ADIC before the 30-day temporary license expires.