•File Creation Permissions check boxes: Select any combination of these check boxes to set the default UNIX R (Read) or W (Write) access permissions for files created by the selected user. These permission check boxes apply only to PCNFSD and NIS mapping methods, not to the Active Directory method. This is an optional step, so you needn’t select any of the check boxes to authenticate user names.
•User: Specifies read and/or write capabilities for the owner of the file. of the file.
•Group: Specifies read and/or write capabilities for the file’s group.
•Everyone: Specifies read and/or write capabilities for all other users and groups.
26Enter valid values and click Mount Options. The Mount Options tab appears.
The mount options shown are associated with the initial disk drive mapping that you set for Drive Mappings.
Changing these options could adversely affect your system or CAUTION performance, so exercise extreme caution when changing any
of these values. You should not change the default values unless you have been instructed to do so by a Professional Services representative.
•Async I/O Threads: The number of threads created to be used as asynchronous I/O threads for user applications.
•System Threads: The number of threads created for use by the file system.
•Retransmissions: The number of attempts to be made for sending a message to the FSS.
•TimeOut (1/10 sec): The amount of time before a message to the FSS times out.
•Mount Retransmits: The number of times the driver will
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