Function Reference
Delta Marker On/Off
Delta Marker On/OffThis toggle function fixes the position of the reference marke r and activates
the delta marker. This measures the difference b etween the active (r eference)
marker and the delta marker. The front knob, step keys, or keypad can be
used to move the delta marker to the desired location. Refer to “Measuring the
Difference between Traces” on page 2-28
If the delta function is turned on and no marker is active, Marker #1 will be
turned on and placed at the center wavelength as a reference for the delta
Note For Agilent 86144B/86146B only, if filter mode is enabled, the noise marker,
delta marker, and OSNR marker are disabled.
Key Path Markers > More Marker Functions > Delta Marker
Commands CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:DELTa:STATe
Delta Marker Units (Marker Setup Panel)Sets the delta marker X-axis readout for freque ncy or wavelength when the
instrument is in a non-zero span. The available selections are nm, µm, Ang,
GHz, and THz. The default units are nm (nanometers). This setting controls
all four delta markers. The normal and bandwidth markers have their own set-
Key Path Markers > Marker Setup > Delta Marker Units
Related Functions Delta Marker
Commands CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:DELTa:X:READout