Function Reference
Start WL
If you increase the span around a center wavele ngth beyond one of the end
wavelength limits, the center wavelength will change to a value that will allow
the span to increase. For example, if the center wavelength is set to 1680 nm
and you increase the span to 100 nm, the center wavelength changes to 1650
nm in order to be able to accommodate the 100 nm span.
Key Path Wavelength > Span
Related Functions Start WL, Stop WL, Center WL
Commands SENSe:WAVelength:SPAN
Start WLSets the start wavelength. The center wavele ngth and span are adjusted so
Use the knob, step keys, or numeric keys to enter the desired value.
If the instrument is in zero span, this command sets the center wavele ng th to
the value specified.
The default setting for start wavelength is 600 nm.
Key Path Wavelength > Start WL
Related Functions Span, Stop WL, Center WL
Commands SENSe:WAVelength:STARt
Stop WLSpecifies the stop wavelength. The center wavelength and span are adjusted
so that:
Start Center Span