Function Reference
Calibrator Multi-Pt Align
Calibrator Multi-Pt Align
Adjusts the mechanical position of the inst ruments internal optical compo-
nents ensuring amplitude accuracy of your measurements. Before initiating
the alignment, connect the internal calibrator to the front-panel input connec-
tor. Refer to External Multipoint Wavelength Calibration on page2-17
The instrument automatically sets the start wavelength at 1490 nm, stop
wavelength at 1590 nm, span, and reference level, and then performs a fully
automatic, internal auto align. The input signal is aligned at equally spaced
alignments (minimum 50 nm spacing between points) for the inte rn al, multi-
mode fiber or (minimum 5 nm spacing between po ints) for the external, sin-
gle-mode fiber (Agilent 86144B/86146B only).
Note Error 5056, Trajectory align cannot find input signal, will occur if a broadband
light source is not connected to the front-panel input connector.
Error 5060, Trajectory align failed, will occur if the align procedure failed.
Key Path System > More System Functions > Service Menus > Adv Service Functions
> More Adv Service Menu > Multi-Point Align > Calibrator Multi-Pt Align
Related Functions Auto Align & Add To Trajectory
Auto Align Preset
User Source Multi-Pt Align
Commands CALibration:ALIGn:INTernal
Center Wavelength (WL)
Sets the center wavelength using the knob, step keys, or numeric keys. The
span remains constant. The center wavelength and the start and stop wave-
length settings are related as follows:
Key Path Wavelength > Center WL
Center Wavelength stop wavelength start wavelength