Status Listings
Application-Specific Warnings
8006 desc = The specification file cannot be imported.
help = An error occurred while trying to import the specification file. Refer to
the previous warnings for more information on specific errors in the
specification file.
8007 desc = The specification file has a syntax error.
help = One of the specification file lines has a syntax problem. The problem
occurred on the line number listed. The string in the parentheses cau sed the
8008 desc = A variable was used where a constant is expected.
help = A variable name was used as a parameter where only a constant value
or the DEFAULT keyword is allowed. The line number indicates where the
problem was found. The variable name in the parentheses caused the problem.
8009 desc = The variable name has not been defined.
help = An undefined variable name was used as a parameter for a
specification. All variables used as parameters must be defined in a
specification statement preceding the variables use. The line number indicates
where the problem was found. The variable name in the parentheses is the
undefined variable.
8010 desc = A variable can be used only once per statement.
help = A variable name was used as multiple parameters for the same
specification statement. The input parameter was ignored because using
multiple references is not allowed. The line number indicates where the problem
was found. The variable name in the parentheses is the variable causing the
8011 desc = A keyword was used where a variable is expected.
help = The application specification file has a list of reserved words wh ich are
used to specify the measurements to be made. These keywords cannot be used
as input parameters for specification statements. The input parameter was
ignored for this case. The line number indicates where the problem was found.
The word in the parentheses is the reserved word causing the problem.
8012 desc = A label is required to identify the spec file.
help = The label string is used to identify the specification file. It is required
after specifying the application type. An empty string (pair of double quotes) is
acceptable input.
8013 desc = The specification file cannot be exported.
help = An error occurred while trying to export the specification file.
Table5-7. Application-Specifi c Warnin gs (2 of 6)
Error Number Error Description [description/explanation/examples]