Remote Front Panel Operation
Remote Front Panel
Using the Remote Front Panel
1In the Map Display window, a Welcome screen is displayed and you are given
three command choices,
Display accesses a diagnostic tool to show the display parameter setup
Enable accesses the remote front panel. This command i s used to stop the
OSA from operating in normal mode and start operating in the Remo te Front
Panel mode. The annotation, Remote Front Panel On will be displayed on
the hardware OSA display.
Disable turns the remote front panel off. The remote fro n t panel will close
on the PC display and the OSA will restart and return and to normal mode.
A fourth command (which is not displayed) is Passwd.
Passwd allows you to change the default password to one that is unique for
you. It is recommended that you change the default password (osaosa1) at
this time. Simply type Passwd at the prompt and enter a new password. The
new password must differ from the old password by at least three charac-
Note Once you changed the password, you will need to remember it for future use.
You will not be able to access the remote front panel capabilities without
the new password.
2From the command prompt, type Enable. The remote front panel command
will be display ed on the OSA and the OSA will be r estarted. You w ill be able to
monitor the restarting process on the PC display. Once the OSA has finished
restarting, the front panel will be activated on your PC display.