Remote Front Panel Operation
Remote Front Panel
Note Once you changed the password, you will need to remember it for future use.
You will not be able to access the remote front panel capabilities without
the new password.
7From the command prompt, type Enable and then press Enter.
8When prompted, Enter the IP number for the system where the
display is, enter the IP address for the UNIX workstation that you are using
now and then press Enter.
The remote front panel command will be displayed on the OSA and the OSA
will be restarted. You will be able to monitor th e restarting process on the PC
display. Once the OSA has finished res tar tin g, t he f ron t p ane l wi ll be act iva ted
on your PC display.
9You can now use the remote front panel just like you would if you were sitting
in front of the OSA. Remember to use t he main menu bar to access OSA
functions and to enter data via the keyboard number keys.