Function Reference
Peak to Center
Peak to CenterFinds the highest amplitude trace point and sets the c enter wave length to t hat
Key Path Wavelength > Peak to Center
Commands CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:MAXimum
Peak Excursion (Marker Setup Panel)Sets the peak excursion value for the marker search functions.
For marker search functions, a signal peak is defined as a rise and fall in th e
displayed response by at least the peak excursion value. If peak excursion is
set too high, legitimate peaks may not be discerned as signals. With lower val-
ues more signals will be discerned, but peaks in the noise floor may also be
discerned as signals. To redu ce th e nois e flo or var ianc e to a value less than t he
peak excursion rate, try using video averaging and/or lowering the sensitivity.
Key Path Markers > Marker Setup > Peak Excursion
Related Functions Marker Search Threshold, Next Peak Down ↓, Next Peak Right →, Next
Peak Left ←
Commands CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:PEXCursion:PEAK
Peak excursion criteria