Function Reference
Sweep Points
Use the knob, step keys, or numeric keys to enter the desired value.
If the instrument is in zero span, this command sets the center wavele ng th to
the value specified.
The default for stop wavelength is 1700 nm.
Key Path Wavelength > Stop WL
Related Functions Span, Start WL, Center WL
Commands SENSe:WAVelength:STOP
Sweep PointsSpecifies the number of data points taken for a sweep. The more data points
the better the trace resolution, but the longer the sweep time. You can select
from 3 to 10001 points. Enter the number of data points using the step keys,
numeric key pad, or knob. The default is 1001 points.
Key Path Traces > Trace Setup > Sweep Points
Commands SENSe:SWEep:POINts
Stop Center Span