Using the Instrument
Analyzer Operating Modes
Note If the file saved in filter mode is recalled into an instrument with firmware
revision B.04.02, a critical error occurs, indicating a gratin g position ing failur e.
Restart the instrument to clear the error and then continue making
Filter Mode
For Agilent 86141B only
In the filter or instrument mode, the analyzer acts as a fixed-tuned, variable
wavelength, variable bandwidth, bandpass filter. It filters the input light at a
specified wavelength. The filtered light is available at the front-panel mono-
chromator output connector. Adjust the analyzer’s resolution bandwidth to
change the amount of filtering. (Any of the resolution band wid ths may be cho -
sen.) One application of the preselector mode is the filtering (that is, select-
ing) of one particular mode of a laser source.
When the preselector mode is entered, the sweep stops with the a na l yzer fix-
tuned at the center wavelength. (If a marker is on, the analyze r is fix-tuned at
the marker wavelength.) The last trace remains displayed to show the input
spectrum before the filtering. A marker shows the wavelength of the preselec-
tion. You can change the filtered output (preselecti on ) wavelength by adjust-
ing the marker’s position. If the input spectrum changes, a softkey, Take
Sweep, is provided for capturing a new sweep.
Preselecting a light source (for 86141B)
1Connect the light source to the optical spectrum analyzer’s front panel
monochromator input connector.
2Press Auto Meas. After the routine has finished, c heck that t he displa y shows
the wavelength range of interest. Adjust if necessary.
3Press Applications > Measurement Modes > Filter Mode > Res BW. Use
the knob, step keys, or numeric keypad to enter the desired amount of
resolution bandwidth filtering.
4Press Take Sweep (Applications > Measurement Mo des > F ilter M ode > T ake
Sweep) to update the display to show the results of the new resolution
bandwidth filtering.