Function Reference
BW Marker Units (Marker Setup Panel)
BW Marker Units (Marker Setup Panel)Sets the bandwidth marker X-axis readout for frequency or wavelength when
the instrument is in a non-zero span. The available selections are nm, ยตm, Ang ,
GHz, and THz. The default unit is nm (nanometers). This se tting controls all
four bandwidth markers. The normal and delta offs et markers have their own
Key Path Markers > Marker Setup > BW Marker Units
Related Functions Marker BW
Commands CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MARKer[1|2|3|4]:FUNCtion:BANDwidth:READout
CalibrationAccesses the Power Cal Setup and Wavelength Calibration Setup softkeys.
The Power Calibration Setup panel will show the date of the last facto ry p er -
formed power calibration and the date of the last successful user-performed
power calibration. It also allows you to set the calibration power and wave-
length used for the next calibration. Refer to โCalibrating Wavelength Mea-
surementsโ on page 2-14
Set Calibration Power is the exact amplitude of the calibration sourc e th a t
will be used for the next power calibration. The power ente red must be within
+10 dBm and โ3 dBm of the amplitude measured using the factory calibration.
Set Calibration Wavelength is the approximate wavelength of the calibra-
tion source that will be used for the next user power calibration. The wave-
length entered must be within 2.5 nm of the wavelength measured using th e
factory calibration.
Pressing the Perform Calibration softkey will display on-screen instructions
for performing the calibration.
Key Path Systems > Calibration
Commands CALibration:POWer:POWer