Function Reference
Trace Integ
Trace Integ
Calculates total power. Total power is the summation of the power at each
trace point, normalized by the ratio of the tr ace point spacing and the resolu-
tion bandwidth. The analyzer can only calculate the total powe r of single
trace. For example, if a total power calculation is being performed on trace A,
turning total power calculation for trace B wi ll turn the calculation for trace A
Key Path Markers > More Marker Functions > Line Marker Menu > Advanced L in e
Mkr Functions > Trace Integ
Related Functions Integrate Limit, Sweep Limit, Search Limit
Commands CALCulate:TPOWer:STATe
Trace Math
Accesses the menu that allows you to manipulate and compare traces by add-
ing or subtracting trace-amplitude and display-line data. Trace Math chara c -
terizes changes due to environmental stimulus and displays the cumul a tive
effect of multiple devices. When using trace math, the t races must b e ob taine d
using identical wavelength, scale and amplitude values. Any difference in ref-
erence level, amplitude units-per-division, or amplitude units invalid ates any
data resulting from trace math. See Using Trace Ma th to Measure Wavelength
Drift on page2-29
The following functions can be accessed:
All Math Off
Default Math Trace C
Default Math Trace F
Exchange Menu
Trace A Offset
Key Path Traces > Trace Math Off