Function Reference
Fast Meas Recall
Fast Meas RecallAccesses the fast measure recall function that recalls the measurement state
previously saved as FASTSAVE.dat in the internal memory by the Fast Mea-
sure Save function. Refer to “Recalling Data in Fast Meas Recall Mode” on
page 2-24
Key Path Save/Recall > Fast Meas Recall
Related Functions Recall, Fast Meas Save
Fast Meas SaveAccesses the fast measure save function to save the current measurement
state to internal memory as FASTSAVE.dat. Allows a quick save of the current
state, which can then be recovered by the Fast Meas Recall function. Only one
FASTSAVE.dat file exists, so performing a Fast Meas Save will overwrite any
currently existing Fast Save file. Refer to “Saving Data in Fast Meas Save
Mode” on page 2-20
Key Path Save/Recall > Fast Meas Save
Related Functions Save, Fast Meas Recall
File Name (Save Setup Panel)Selects automatic or manual mode for saving a filename.
When Auto is selected, the measurement is autom atically named and saved to
an auto generated filename when the Auto Save softkey is pressed. Measure-
ment data is saved to the filename ST_xxxxx.dat and Trace(s) only is saved to
the filename TR_xxxxx.csv. “xxxxx” represents a numbering system which is
incremented each time the measurement data is saved. For example, t he first
time you save Trace(s) only data, the filename TR_00001.csv will be assigned.