Function Reference
File Shares
When Manual is selected, pressing the Choose File to Save softkey will access
the Filename Menu setup panel. Use the front panel step keys, knob, or arrow
softkeys to highlight and then select each letter in the filena me. Filename s can
also be set with an external keyboard, Refer to Entering a Filename using an
External Keyboard on page 2-23. When you finish entering the filename,
press SAVE FILE.
Key Path Save/Recall > Save Menu > File Name
Commands *SAV
File Shares
Uses the LAN (local area network) to store, recall, and del et e files on remote
hard drives. The data can then be accessed and shared among the users.
To access the file and printer share softkeys, you must first configure the net-
work refer to Connecting to the OSA over the Network on page 4-6 and
enter the user share identity/user profile information f or remote shares (refer
to File Sharing and Printing over a Network on page 2-26). The softkeys for
file and printer share will then become availa ble for selection.
Note Samba® or Microsoft® software must be installed to run the file share programs.
Note If networking is not configured, the command will generate a Settings conf lict
Key Path Systems > More System Functions > GPIB & Network Setup > File Shares
Commands Printer Share
Commands SYSTem:COMMunicate:NETWork:USERname <param>
SYSTem:COMMunicate:NETWork:PASSword <param>
SYSTem:COMMunicate:NETWork:WORKgroup <param>