Function Reference
Hold A...F None Min Max (trace)
Hold A...F None Min Max (trace)Hold Max compares the current amplitude v alue of each point on the active
trace in the current sweep to the corresponding point detected during the
previous sweep, then displays the maximum value.
Hold Min compares the current amplitude value of each point on a trace in the
current sweep to the corresponding point detected during the previous
sweep, then displays the minimum value.
Hold None turns the Hold function off.
Key Path Traces > Hold None Min Max
Commands CALCulate[1|2|3|4|5|6]:MAXimum:STATe
Integrate LimitCalculates the power between Wavelength Marker 1 and Wavelength Marker 2
when the trace integration function is on.
Once wavelength markers have been turned on, the total power integration
marker search, and wavelength sweep may be individually limit ed t o t he wa ve-
length marker range.
Key Path Markers > More Marker Functions > Line Marker Menu > Advanced L in e
Mkr Functions > Integrate Limit
Related Functions Sweep Limit, Search Limit
Commands CALCulate:TPOWer:IRANge:LOWer