Function Reference
User Source Multi-Pt Align
User Source Multi-Pt Align
Adjusts the mechanical position of the inst ruments internal optical compo-
nents ensuring amplitude accuracy of your measurements. This f unction is
semi-automatic and aligns equally spaced points within the span and builds
the current fiber trajectory table. See Multi-Point Align o n page 3-46
Connect an external broadband source to the in put connector of the instru-
ment. Then set the instrument to the desired values:
start and stop wavelengths (input range 600 nm to 1700 nm)
>3 nm for the external path (Agilent 86144B/86146B only)
>25 nm for the internal path
reference level (must be greater than 78 dBm in a 10 nm resolution bandwidth
at all points to be aligned)
The instrument auto aligns at equally spaced points within the span a nd builds
the fiber trajectory table (maximum of 32 points). To add or adjust a single
point in the trajectory table, move the active marker to the specific wave-
length location and press Auto Align & Add t o Trajectory. The Multi-Pt Auto
Align progress window opens indicating the percentage of completion and the
approximate time required for the alignment process. To cancel the align,
press the instrument preset key. This table is interpolated to create a linear
set of corrections.
If Auto Align is executed after User Source Multi-Pt Align, all o f th e alig nmen t
tracking data will be shifted. In this sense, auto align is done on top of this
Note Error 5056, Trajectory align cannot find input signal, will occur if a broadband
light source is not connected to the front-panel input connector.
Error 5057, Invalid settings for trajectory align, will occur if the start and/or
stop wavelength settings are invalid.
Error 5060, Trajectory align failed, will occur if the align procedure failed.
Key Path System > More System Functions > Service Menu > Adv Service Functions
> More Adv Service Menu > Multi-Point Alig n > User Source Multi-Pt Align
Related Functions Auto Align & Add To Trajectory
Auto Align Preset
Calibrator Multi-Pt Align