Returning the Instrument for Service
Preparing the instrument for shipping 1Write a complete description of the failure and attach it to the instrument.
Include any specific performance details related to the pro blem. The following
information should be returned with the in strument.
•Type of service required.
•Date instrument was returned for repair.
•Description of the problem:
•Whether problem is constant or intermittent.
•Whether instrument is temperature-sensitive .
•Whether instrument is vibration-sensitive.
•Instrument settings required to reproduce the problem.
•Performance data.
•Company name and return address.
•Name and phone number of technical contact person.
•Model number of returned instrument.
•Full serial number of returned instrument.
•List of any accessories returned with instrument.
2Cover all front or rear-panel connectors that were originally covered when you
first received the instrument.
CAUTION Cover electrical connectors to protect sensitive co mponents from e lectrost atic
damage. Cover optical connectors to protect them from damage due to physical
contact or dust.
CAUTION Instrument damage can result from using packaging materials other than the
original materials. Never use styrene pellets as packa ging material . They do not
adequately cushion the instrument or prevent it from shifting in t he c a r ton.
They may also cause instrument damage by generating static electricity.