6 - Language Dictionary
Password Protection
An application program must provide a password to open a connection to a server. As shipped from the factory, the Agilent MCCD is not password protected. You may set an Agilent MCCD server password during the installation procedure using the Agilent MCCD Configuration Screens.
API Function Summary
cfAbort | aborts a forming sequence |
cfCal | begins a full calibration (mainframe and card) |
cfCalStandard | begins a standard calibration (mainframe) |
cfCalTransfer | begins a transfer calibration (card) |
cfClose | closes a server connection |
cfDeleteGroup | deletes a group from the Agilent MCCD |
cfGetCellStatus | returns the status of an individual cell |
cfGetCellStatusString | returns detailed information for a failed cell |
cfGetCurrent | returns the current setting programmed by cfSetCurrent |
cfGetGroups | Returns information about all defined groups |
cfGetDigitalConfig | returns the setting of an individual digital I/O port |
cfGetDigitalPort | reads a data word from the digital I/O port |
cfGetInstIdentify | returns a description of the instrument |
cfGetInstStatus | returns the instrument status |
cfGetMeasLogInterval | returns the criteria that determines when data is logged |
cfGetOutputConfig | returns the configuration of an output |
cfGetOutputProbeTest | returns the output probe resistance limit |
cfGetOutputState | returns the output state of the Agilent MCCD |
cfGetRunState | returns the present instrument run state |
cfGetSense | returns the setting of the remote or local sense |
cfGetSenseProbeTest | returns the settings of the sense probe test |
cfGetSeqStep | returns the parameters for a sequence step number |
cfGetSeqTest | returns the parameters of one of the sequence tests |
cfGetSeqTestAnd | returns the parameters of multiple tests combined with the AND function |
cfGetSeqTime | returns the elapsed time since the sequence was triggered |
cfGetSerialConfig | returns the communication parameters of a serial port |
cfGetSerialStatus | returns the status of a serial port |
cfGetStepNumber | returns a cell’s present sequence step and the time since the step started |
cfGetShutdownDelay | returns the delay value set by cfSetShutdownDelay |
cfGetShutdownMode | returns the shut down mode setting |
cfGetTrigSource | returns the selected trigger source |
cfGetUserIdentify | returns the Name, Location, and Description information |
cfGetVoltage | returns the voltage setting programmed by cfSetVoltage |
cfInitiate | initiates a forming sequence |
cfMeasACResistance | measures the ac resistance of a cell or all cells |
cfMeasCapacityAS | measures accumulated |
cfMeasCapacityWS | measures accumulated |
cfMeasCurrent | measures the current of a cell or all cells |