7 - C Program Examples
cfGetDigitalPort(hServer, &nDigitalPort); if (nDigitalPort & DIG_START_BUTTON)
/* Sleep for 1 second. */ Sleep(1000);
*Turn off the READY light and turn on the TEST light
*to indicate to the operator that cell forming has started.
cfGetDigitalPort(hServer, &nDigitalPort); nDigitalPort &= ~DIG_READY_LIGHT; nDigitalPort = DIG_TEST_LIGHT; cfSetDigitalPort(hServer, nDigitalPort);
/* Initiate the sequence. */ cfInitiate(hServer);
*Wait for sequencer to transition to initiated state.
*This may take up to 1 minute while data logs are erased.
while (1)
cfGetRunState(hServer, &nRunState); if (nRunState == CF_INITIATED)
/* Trigger the sequence. */ cfTrigger(hServer); printf("Forming sequence started.\n");
*The sequence is now running.
*Display the sequencer state until it finishes.
while (1)
cfGetRunState(hServer, &nRunState);
printf("Runstate = %s\r", RunStateToString(nRunState)); if (nRunState == CF_IDLE)
/* The sequence is finished. */
/* Read the entire measurement log to a file. */ if((hFile = fopen(LOG_FILE, "w")) != NULL)
readPos = CF_READ_FIRST; while (1)
cfReadMeasLog(hServer, &readPos, CF_ALL_CELLS, CF_ALL_STEPS, MEAS_BUF_SIZE, szMeasBuffer, &nMeasBufCount);
if (nMeasBufCount == 0) break;
fwrite(szMeasBuffer, sizeof(char), nMeasBufCount, hFile);