6 - Language Dictionary
int cfRestart(CF_HANDLE server);
This command causes the Agilent MCCD to recall a previously saved restart state. The Agilent MCCD must be in the CF_IDLE state to perform a restart. The existence of a restart state can be queried by testing the CF_RESTART bit of the status returned from cfGetInstStatus.
int cfSaveOutputConfig(CF_HANDLE server);
This command causes the output configuration setting of each channel to be saved in
CAUTION: Selftest causes voltage to be applied to the outputs. Make sure that no cells are connected when executing cfSelftest.
int cfSelftest(CF_HANDLE server, int *reserved);
This command starts an instrument selftest. This selftest is more thorough than the selftest that is performed automatically at
This function returns an integer value in the location pointed to by the reserved argument. The returned value should be ignored, but you must supply a pointer to an integer which will hold the return value.
Since a selftest can take many seconds to complete, the cfSelftest function does not wait for selftest to complete but returns immediately after starting selftest. During the selftest, the CF_SELFTEST_STAT bit is true in the status word returned by cfGetInstStatus. When selftest is finished, the CF_SELFTEST_STAT bit goes false. If any errors occur during selftest, the CF_SELFTEST_ERROR_STAT bit is true. Details of the errors can be obtained using cfReadTestLog. The test log retains this error information until another selftest or calibration command is given.
See Also
cfReadTestLog, cf GetInstStatus