6 - Language Dictionary
The change in the magnitude of current during the standard measurement interval that is negative, and the magnitude of the change is less than or equal to the programmed limit.
The magnitude of the difference between the voltage and the maximum voltage observed during the step that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit. The magnitude of the difference between the voltage and the maximum voltage observed during the step that is less than or equal to the programmed limit. The magnitude of the difference between the voltage and the minimum voltage observed during the step that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit. The magnitude of the difference between the voltage and the minimum voltage observed during the step that is less than or equal to the programmed limit. The magnitude of the difference between the absolute value of current and the maximum absolute value of current observed during the step that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit.
The magnitude of the difference between the absolute value of current and the maximum absolute value of current observed during the step that is less than or equal to the programmed limit.
The magnitude of the difference between the absolute value of current and the minimum absolute value of current observed during the step that is greater than or equal to the programmed limit.
The magnitude of the difference between the absolute value of current and the minimum absolute value of current observed during the step that is less than or equal to the programmed limit.
time_test_type is one of:
CF_TEST_BEFORE | Action is taken if the measurement test is true before the time |
| argument |
CF_TEST_AT | Action is taken if the measurement test is true at the time argument |
CF_TEST_AFTER | Action is taken if the measurement test is true after the time |
| argument |
CF_TEST_BEFORE_STIMULUS Action is taken if the measurement test is true before the stimulus is applied for this step. The outputs are in a reset condition during this test. The time argument is ignored for this time_test_type.
time is in seconds relative to the beginning of the present step number
action is the action taken when the meas_test_type and time_test_type are both satisfied. The action choices are:
CF_NEXT | Advance as soon as possible to the next step, short circuiting all remaining tests |
| in the present step. |
CF_FAIL | Mark the cell as a failure and disconnect it. No further tests or steps are applied |
| to the cell. |
NOTE: CF_ACR_LE and CF_ACR_GE can only be used with CF_ACR steps. CF_DCR_LE and CF_DCR_GE can only be used with CF_DCR. steps. Other meas_test_types cannot be used with CF_ACR or CF_DCR steps.
You cannot delete a single test. cfResetSeq deletes all sequence steps and tests, and should be sent prior to defining a new set of sequence steps and tests. If a forming sequence is in progress when cfSetSeqTest is given, an error is returned.