Frequently Asked Questions and Technical Support
Prefered Roaming List (PRL)
What is a PRL?
The Preferred Roaming List (PRL) is a data file of alternate networks to use when your Raven X is out of range of Verizon’s primary network. Without an
I have activated my Raven X but now cannot connect to Verizon, what can be wrong?
Your PRL is probably out of date. You should update it.
How can I update the PRL (Prefered Roaming List)?
You can use either Wireless Ace or a terminal connection to update your PRL.
Wireless Ace
Caution: The Raven X’s version of ALEOS will need to be 200512A or later and you will need a Wireless Ace version of 200501 or later.
Connect to your Raven X using Wireless Ace (page 47).
On the top Configuration Panel, click the icon for Update PRL.
FIGURE 4. Wireless Ace: Update PRL
3 | When you start the Update PRL feature, PRL specific information will be displayed: the Carrier, |
the current PRL in the modem, the PRL version for the update, and the detected Master Subsid- |
iary Lock (MSL).
FIGURE 5. Wireless Ace: Update PRL
The PRL will be updated to the one present in the “PRL” folder of the Wireless Ace installed folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\AirLink\Wireless Ace 3G\PRL). If the PRL version to apply is dis- played as ONLINE, then the PRL will be updated
Raven X | 137 |