AT Commands: Serial
The AT
n=0 : Off (Default)
n=1 :
S23=[speed],[databits][parity][stop bits]
Serial line parameters. The settings take affect after reset.
speed=300 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 57600 115200 230400 databits=7 or 8
parity=O : Odd
parity=E : Even
parity=N : None
parity=M: Mark stopbits=1 1.5 2
Example: ATS23=19200,8N1 (sets modem to 19200, etc.)
Can also be set using &L=[speed],[databits] [parity][stop bits]
Note: Databits MUST be 8 data bits for PPP mode.
Command Response Mode.
n=0 : Terse (numeric) command responses
n=1 : Verbose command responses (Default).
Extended Call Progress Result mode.
n=0 : Turn off extended result codes (Default).
n=1 : Turn on result codes. This adds the text 19200 to the CONNECT response.
Reset the Raven X.
In Wireless Ace, this command is performed with the Reset option on the toolbar.
Note: This command does nothing if *DATZ=1.
Set DCD mode.
Raven X | 63 |