Basic Operations: Chapter 4
| pressing [PLAY] will cause the XT to start playing after it arrives at the corresponding |
| tape location ([PLAY] LED will flash to indicate deferred play mode). |
| Pressing [PLAY] while recording causes the XT to punch out (recording stops and |
| playback continues). Pressing [PLAY] in any mode other than locating causes the |
| transport to enter play mode, and the [PLAY] LED lights. |
J | What occurs when you press [PLAY] after inserting a tape in the XT depends on |
whether the tape being played is formatted or not. | |
| • Formatted. The tape plays normally and the tape counter shows elapsed time |
| since the beginning of the tape. |
| • Unformatted tape. The XT will detect the lack of a format and flash the |
| FORMAT icon while reading “noFO” in the TIME counter. |
| • Tape transitions from a formatted to unformatted section while playing |
| back. The XT will detect the lack of a format and flash the FORMAT icon while |
| reading “noFO” in the TIME counter. |
| • Tape transitions from a formatted to unformatted section while recording. |
| The XT will detect the lack of a format and stop. |
| Use the [RECORD] button to enter or exit record mode, and to format a tape. There |
| are two methods of entering record mode. You can first enable the tracks you wish to |
| record on and then engage recording using the [PLAY] and [RECORD] buttons. Or |
| you can engage record mode and then use the RECORD ENABLE buttons to place |
| tracks in or out of record. If no tracks are enabled for recording and record mode is |
| engaged, the [RECORD] LED will flash to indicate that pressing any RECORD |
| ENABLE button will immediately initiate recording on that track. |
| To start recording: |
| • Hold [PLAY] and press [RECORD] to cause any |
| record mode. This is recommended for punching “on the fly.” |
| • Hold [RECORD] and press [PLAY] to cause any |
| record mode. This is recommended for initiating recording when the tape is |
| stopped, or for punching “on the fly.” |
| To punch out and stop the transport, simply press [STOP]. There are three ways to |
| exit record mode (punch out) yet have the transport continue to play; use whichever |
| method is most natural to you. |
| • Press [PLAY]. |
| • Hold [RECORD] , and then press [PLAY]. |
| • Use the RECORD ENABLE buttons [1] – [8] to take tracks out of record. |
| STOP |
| The [STOP] button performs three functions. |
| • Stop the transport. Push [STOP] to stop any function involving tape motion. A lit |
| [STOP] LED indicates that the tape is not moving and is threaded. A flashing |
| [STOP] LED indicates that the tape is not moving and is unthreaded. |
| • Thread/Unthread the tape. While the [STOP] LED is lit, press [STOP] to |
| unthread the tape ([STOP] LED flashes). While the [STOP] LED is flashing, press |
ADAT XT Reference Manual | 43 |