Chapter 5: Multiple
| If the master’s FORMAT icon is on, and you are extending the format, and the slave |
| tape is formatted: |
| • If the slave’s FORMAT icon is on, the slave autolocates to the same time as the |
| master, then format extension begins with the master. |
| • If the slave’s FORMAT icon is off, the slave autolocates to the same time as the |
| master and plays or records in sync. |
J | To properly extend the format, the master and slaves should be playing in sync |
before punching into format record. | |
| If the master’s FORMAT icon is off and initiates a RECORD command anywhere in |
| the tape and the slave’s FORMAT icon is off: |
| • If the slave tape is unformatted, the slave plays, but the TIME counter reads |
| “noFO” (no format) while flashing the FORMAT icon. |
| • If the slave tape is formatted, the slave autolocates to the same time as the |
| master and plays or records in sync, |
| To properly punch in, the master and slave should be in sync before punching. |
| Otherwise, the master will punch in immediately, but the slaves won’t punch in until |
| sync is achieved. |
| If the master initiates recording from the audio portion of the tape and the slave’s |
| FORMAT icon is on: |
| • If the slave tape is unformatted, the slave plays, but the TIME counter reads |
| “noFO” (no format) while flashing the FORMAT icon. |
| • If the slave’s tape is formatted, the slave autolocates to the same time as the |
| master and then format extension begins. |
| If the master initiates recording from the start of the tape and the slave’s FORMAT |
| icon is on, |
| formatted or not. |
58 | ADAT XT Reference Manual |