Obtaining Photo CDs
Your own photographs can be recorded as Photo CD images on a Photo CD. To obtain a Photo CD of your own photographs, take your standard
If your Photo CD isn’t full, you can take it back to the photofinisher and have more photos added until the disc is full. Such discs are called multisession discs because they contain images added after the first session. Your
Before viewing the contents of a Photo CD
Normally, you open Photo CD images with the SimpleText program that came with your computer. If you wish, you can use a graphics or
A note about resolution
When a Photo CD image is created, it’s recorded at five different levels of resolution. The higher the resolution, the more information is recorded about the image, and the sharper the image appears when displayed or printed at larger sizes. However,
It’s best to work with a resolution appropriate for your monitor or printer. Some monitors and printers cannot display or print very high- resolution images.