If you need repair service, consult the service and support information that came with your computer for instructions on how to contact an Apple- authorized service provider or Apple for assistance.
If you know the problem is with a program not published by Apple, call the program’s publisher. Click the Phone Numbers button in the Service/Support area of the Launcher to get a software publisher’s phone number (if you’re screen isn’t currently “frozen”).
Start over by restarting your computer
Often you can eliminate a problem simply by clearing the computer’s memory and starting over.
If you can, save any open documents before restarting your Macintosh. If your system is frozen and does not respond to anything you do, or if you have a “bomb” message on the screen, saving may not be possible. You can try pressing
Note: Use this key combination to force a program to quit only when you can’t choose Quit from the File menu.
To restart your Macintosh, try the following steps:
1 If you can, choose Restart from the Special menu or from the dialog box that’son screen.
| Dialog boxes contain messages from the computer. If something goes wrong, |
| a message may appear on the screen asking you to restart. |
| If you can’t choose Restart, press the Power key (marked with a ) on the keyboard. |
2 | |
| Click Restart in the dialog box that appears. |
Troubleshooting 77