Attendant with Routes and Secondary Destinations
ABC Supermarket uses two Attendants to answer the phone number published in the local directory. (The Attendants do not answer other incoming lines— such as the owner’s private line.) Using two Attendants ensures prompt call answering, usually within two rings. During business hours the Attendants offer callers three options: press a single digit for automatic transfer to one of three routes (Customer Service, Bakery, or Deli), dial a
A bell (or external alert) is connected to extension 20 (Customer Service). When a caller selects Route 1, a bell rings; the first available Customer Service representative picks up the call. (Each representative has Call Pickup for extension 20 programmed on a system phone
There are Primary and Secondary Destinations for Routes 2 and 3, to make it likely that each call reaches someone at the selected route. Teri, the Deli clerk at extension 13, turns on Do Not Disturb when she is away from her phone, so that calls go directly to Jim (at extension 15) instead of back to the operator.
At night the Attendant announces normal business hours and hangs up without transferring calls. Since the Night Transfer Fail announcement is not needed, 10 seconds of announcement time is freed up for other announcements.