Attendant Disconnects Callers After They Select Routes
This problem occurs if the Attendant extension is in the Night Service Group and there is a System Password programmed. You cannot program a System Password if you put Attendants in the Night Service Group.
Also be sure that each Attendant does not have Outgoing Call Restrictions and does not have any Disallowed Phone Number lists assigned to it.
See page
Caller Hears Initial Announcement More Than Once
Check the Transfer Return extension for each Attendant (in System Program- ming), to make sure that calls return to the receptionist when Destination extensions do not answer. (See "Testing for Proper Operation" in Chapter 2.)
Try to isolate the problem to a specific route. If this can be done, reprogram the route.
Specify the maximum and minimum extensions on the system:
1.Dial the number answered by the Attendant.
2.When the Attendant answers, enter [ ★ ] security code [ # ] .
3.Dial [ ★ ] [ 9 ] [ 7 ] [ 0 ] [ 9 ].
4.Dial [ 1 ] [ 0 ] (the lowest
5.Dial [ # ] [ # ].
6.Dial [ ★ ] [ 9 ] [ 7 ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ].
7.Dial [ 3 ] [ 3 ] (the highest
8.Dial [ # ] [ # ] to end the command sequence.
9.Hang up to end the programming session.