KM0032 / KM0532 / KM0932 User Manual
Operation problems can be due to a variety of causes. The first step in solving them is to make sure that all cables are securely attached and seated completely in their sockets.
In addition, updating the product’s firmware may solve problems that have been discovered and resolved since the prior version was released. If your product is not running the latest firmware version, we strongly recommend that you upgrade. See Firmware Upgrade, page 100, for upgrade details.
Problem | Solution |
I can’t use the KA9222 or | The KM0032 / KM0532 / KM0932 does not support these |
KA9272 Console Modules | two console modules. Instead, use the KA7230, and |
with the KM0032 / KM0532 | KA7240 Console Modules with the KM0032 / KM0532 / |
/ KM0932. | KM0932. |
The KVM console monitor | 1. Verify that all cables are securely connected and in |
does not display and there | good condition, including those of the console mod- |
is no response to keyboard | ules, KVM adapter cables, and Cat 5e cable. |
and mouse input. | 2. Upgrade the firmware for the KVM adapter cables. |
| |
There are display problems | 1. Make sure that the console monitor is properly |
on the monitor connected to | grounded. |
the Console Module. | 2. Use the grounding terminal on the Console Module to |
| |
| properly ground the Console Module. |
I can’t use the KA7230 and | 1. Verify that the username and password are correct. If |
KA7240 Console Modules | after verifying that the username and password are |
to login to the KM0032 / | correct you still cannot login, then follow Step 2. |
KM0532 / KM0932. | 2. Upgrade the firmware version of the console mod- |
| |
| ules. |
I can’t use an Ethernet hub | Although Cat 5e cable is used to connect the console |
to connect the console | modules and KVM adapter cables to the KM0032 / |
modules and KVM adapter | KM0532 / KM0932, it does not support the Ethernet |
cables to the KM0032 / | protocol; thus, you cannot use an Ethernet hub to |
KM0532 / KM0932. | connect them. |
The password for the | See Restoring Factory Default Settings, page 135 |
default super administrator |
account needs to be reset. |
I upgrading the firmware, | See Firmware Upgrade, page 100. |
but some of the modules |
were not upgraded |
successfully. |