Chapter 7. User Management
Browser UI:
4. Enter the required information for the user in the appropriate fields. A
description of each of the fields is given in the table, below:
Field Description
Username A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 15 characters is
Password A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 15 characters is
Confirm Password To be sure there is no mistake in the password, you
are asked to enter it again. The two entries must
User Type There are three categories: Super Administrator,
Administrator and User. There is no limitation on the
number of accounts that can be created in each
category (although the total number of accounts for all
categories combined cannot exceed 1024).
The super administrator is responsible for the
overall installation configuration and maintenance;
user management; and device and port
Administrators have user management and
configuration privileges.
Users can access the devices and ports assigned
to them by the super administrators and