Chapter 5. The User Interface
Console UI Keyboard Navigation
You can navigate the Console UI from the keyboard. The hotkey combinations, and their effects, are shown in the table, below:
Focus | Hotkey | Effect |
Miscellaneous | F1 | Brings up the About screen. |
| F8 | Logs you out of the session. |
The Tab Bar | Ctrl P | Selects the Port Access tab. |
| Ctrl U | Selects the User Management tab. |
| Ctrl D | Selects the Device Management tab. |
| Ctrl L | Selects the Log tab. |
The Menu Bar | Tab | After a Tab Bar item is selected, pressing Tab |
| cycles through its Menu Bar items. |
Panel Selection | F4 | Selects the Sidebar Tree. |
| Note: The tab bar focus switches to the Port |
| Access tab when you make this selection. |
| F5 | Selects the Main Panel |
Sidebar Selection | νπ | When the focus is in the Sidebar, the arrow |
| keys move the selection up and down through |
| the port list. |
| Note: This function is only available under the |
| Port Access tab. |
| F3 + νπ | When you have arrived at the port you want to |
| access, press F3 to bring up a session choice |
| box (see page 76). Use the arrow keys to |
| cycle to your choice, then press [Enter]. |
Main Panel Selection | Tab | When the focus is in the Main Panel, press |
| Tab to move through the available parameters. |
| For radio buttons press [Enter] to select the |
| choice. For check boxes, press [Enter] to |
| select/deselect the item. |
| νπ | For parameters with a list of choices, use the |
| arrow keys cycle you through the parameter |
| choices. |
| When all your parameter choices have been made, Tab down | |
| to the Save button and press [Enter] | |