Listening to Voicemail
The New Voicemail inbox and Saved Voicemail inbox display the icons shown in the following table.
New and Saved Voicemail Inbox Icons
| Icon | Description | ||
| Voicemail downloading |
| Unheard voicemail, downloaded |
| Unheard voicemail, not downloaded |
| Heard voicemail, downloaded |
| |
| Heard voicemail, not downloaded |
| |
You can control message playback by pressing the keys on your BlackBerry keyboard, as shown in the following table.
Voicemail Playback Screen Controls
Key Description
ASaves the voicemail
Space | Stops playback and leaves the Playback screen open. Press the |
| Space key again to replay the message from the beginning. |
Del | Stops playback, deletes the message, and opens the updated |
| voicemail inbox. |
Listen to a voicemail message
To listen to a voicemail message:
1. On the Avaya
Avaya | November 2007 37 |