Using Your AVU1500 with a
Home Automation System (optional)
•The PresentStatus in Battery System is a collection item that includes:
•BelowRemainingCapacityLimit: To indicate the battery level is lower than the battery low limit.
•Charging: The battery is charging.
•Discharging: The battery is discharging.
•FullyDischarged: Battery depleted.
•NeedReplacement: The battery needs to be replaced.
•The RemainingCapacity usage is predicted remaining capacity of battery in percentage unit fixed.
•Charging: 0: Not charge, 1: Charging.
•BelowRemainingCapacityLimit (bat low): 0: Normal, 1: Battery low.
Power Status (Page 0x86)
Report ID # | Usage (usage ID) | Byte # | Unit | Comment |
34 | ~ | 2 |
| R Collection Item |
Ä PresentStatus (0x21) |
| |||
| }VoltageOutOfRange | Bit0 |
| }Buck | Bit1 |
| }Boost | Bit2 |
| }Unused | Bit3 |
| }Overload | Bit4 |
| }Standby | Bit5 |
| }OverTemperature | Bit6 |
| }InternalFail | Bit7 |
| }Unused | Bit8 |
| }Unused | Bit9 |
| }Unused | Bit10 |
| }Unused | Bit11 |
| }Unused | Bit12 |
| }Unused | Bit13 |
| }BuzzerSilence | Bit14 |
| }Beeper | Bit15 |
Belkin PureAV Hybrid AVU1500 UPS