4-4 KVM Settings Menu Options
3a. X Resolution
This refers to the visible number of horizontal pixels.
3b. Y Resolution
This refers to the visible number of vertical pixels.
3c. Horizontal Frequency (Hz)
This refers to the horizontal (line) frequency in hertz.
3d. Vertical Frequency (Hz)
This refers to the vertical (refresh) frequency in hertz.
3e. Total horizontal pixels
This refers to the total number of pixels per line, including the non-visible
and blanking area.
3f. Polarity
This refers to the positive or negative characteristic of the synchronization
signals. V indicates vertical polarity; H indicates horizontal polarity.
3g. Description
Here you can provide a mode name, which is displayed in the Remote
Console if custom mode is activated.
KVM Ports
It is possible to select the number of ports used by the connected KVM
switch, and you may assign each port a name. In order to provide KVM-port
switching through the RIPM, key combinations have to be defined for the ports.