Primary DNS: Enter the primary DNS provided by your ISP.
Secondary DNS: Enter the secondary DNS provided by your ISP.
RIP: To activate RIP, select Send, Receive, or Both from the drop down menu. To disable RIP, select Disable from the drop down menu.
MTU: Enter the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for your network.
Network Address Translation: Enables or Disables the NAT function. To apply this interface as router mode please select Disable. Due to default firewall feature, if you would like to use router mode, you have to input the packet filter rules you would like to forward in Configuration
Click Apply to save your changes. To reset to defaults, click Reset.
Username: Enter your user name.
Password: Enter your password.
Retype Password: Retype your password.
Connection: Select whether the connection should Always Connect or Trigger on Demand. If you want the router to establish a PPPoE session when starting up and to automatically