Time Zone
BiGuard does not use an onboard real time clock; instead, it uses the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to acquire the current time from an NTP server outside your network. Simply choose your local time zone, enter NTP Server IP Address, and click Apply. After connecting to the Internet, BiGuard 50G will retrieve the correct local time from the NTP server you have specified. Your ISP may provide an NTP server for you to use.
Time Zone: Select Enable or Disable this function.
Local Time
NTP Server Address: Please input the NTP server address you would like to use.
Daylight Saving: To have BiGuard 50G automatically adjust for Daylight Savings Time, please check the Automatic checkbox.
Resync Period: Please input the resync circle of time zone update.
Click Apply to apply the rule, Click Cancel to discard the changes.
Remote Access
To allow remote users to configure and manage BiGuard 50G through the Internet, select the Enable radio button. To deactivate remote access, select the Disable radio button. This function also enables you to grant access from any PC or from a specific IP address. Click Apply to save your settings.