Source IP Range:
All Source IP: Click it to specify all source IPs.
Specified Source IP: Click to specify a specific source IP address and source IP netmask.
Source IP Address: If Specified Source IP was chosen, here’s where the IP can be entered.
Source IP Netmask: If Specified Source IP was chosen, here’s where the subnet mask can be entered.
Destination IP Range:
All Destination IP: Click it to specify all source IPs.
Specified Destination IP: Click to specify a specific destination IP address and Destination IP Netmask.
Destination IP Address: If Specified Destination IP was chosen, here’s where the IP can be entered.
Destination IP Netmask: If Specified Destination IP was chosen, here’s where the subnet mask can be entered.
Port Range: The range of ports for the specified policy (if you only want to use one port, enter the same value in both boxes).
Click Apply to save your changes.
The System menu allows you to adjust a variety of basic router settings, upgrade firmware, set up remote access, and more. In this menu are the following sections: Time Zone, Remote Access, Firmware Upgrade, Backup/Restore, Restart,
Password, System Log and E-mail Alert.