Pelco dx8100 manual Accessing Network Information, Multicast Requirements, Enabling Multicasting

Models: dx8100

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The DX8100 layer 2 multicast feature conserves bandwidth and reduces network traffic by simultaneously delivering one stream of data to an unlimited number of connections.

This section describes the DX8100 layer 2 multicasting feature and is organized into the following topics:

Multicast Requirements

Enabling Multicasting on page 171

Multicast Requirements

The DX8100 multicast feature has the following requirements:


Table AQ. DX8100 Multicast Requirements and Operation







Network equipment

The switch or router must support layer 2 multicasting.



Network requirements

• The DX8100 Web Client establishes multicast connections with DX8100 servers in its own VLAN.


• The network must support Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP).


• The number of DX8100 Web Client connections is unlimited.




• Initially, the DX8100 Web Client uses the IP address of the target DX8100 server (using the TCP port) to


establish a connection to the DX8100. After the connection is established, the session switches from


using TCP to using User Data Protocol (UDP).


• Since the Web Client connection is using UDP, the user does not have to log in or out of the DX8100


server. The Web Client displays the connection status: connected or disconnect.


• The PTZ feature is not available.


• The Web Client displays only the camera name in the Site Tree. All other camera recording details, such


as the recording mode, resolution, recording rate, and so forth are not displayed.


• The camera name and DX8100 server information is not updated until a new connection to the DX8100


is initiated.


• The Web Client monitors the UDP socket every 10 seconds to ensure that live data is being received.


If live data is not received within 30 seconds, the Web Client will disconnect from the DX8100 server


after two minutes and automatically reconnect to the DX8100.



Enabling Multicasting

The recommended multicasting IP range is from to

To enable multicasting:

1.In the Network page, click the check box labeled Enable Multicasting.

2.In the Multicast Group IP box, enter the multicast group IP address.

3.Click Apply. The DX8100 message dialog box opens, prompting you to restart the DX8100.

4.Do one of the following:

Click Yes to restart the DX8100.

Click No to cancel the restart action. If you exit the Network page, you are not prompted to apply the previous settings. If you open the Network page again, the Enable Multicasting check box is selected. However, the DX8100 must still be restarted to activate the multicasting mode.


Access the Network page to view DX8100 network settings. For information about accessing the Network page, refer to Setting Up DX8100 Network Access on page 168.

To access network information, such as IP and default gateway addresses:

1.In the Network page, click Network Information. The IP Configuration information box appears.

2.Click OK to return to the Network page.

C2630M-C (7/09)


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Pelco dx8100 manual Accessing Network Information, Multicast Requirements, Enabling Multicasting