Pelco dx8100 manual Understanding the DX8100 Resource Meter

Models: dx8100

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Figure 98. DX8100 Resource Meter

Table AD describes the parts of the DX8100 Resource Meter.



Table AD. DX8100 Resource Meter











View Pane

Displays the available system resources (CPU and Memory resource levels) for the DX8100 server. The meter



range is 0 to 100 percent. The CPU and Memory resource levels cannot exceed 100 percent. If either level



exceeds 100 percent, the DX8100 System Resources Warning dialog box appears. For information about



configuring analog and IP cameras for optimal system resources performance in order to bring the system



resources within an acceptable range, refer to Configuring Analog and IP Cameras for Optimal Hybrid Video



Recording on page 130.



NOTE: The DX8100 Resource Meter shows the CPU and memory resource levels that are specific to the



DX8100 server application. They do not match the resource levels that appear in Windows Task Manager on



the server.





Memory Level (Blue)

Indicates the DX8100 server’s memory usage.





CPU Level (Orange)

Indicates the DX8100 server’s CPU usage.





Data Area

Displays the CPU and Memory usage as a percentage.





IP Camera Status

Sends a command to the IP address of the camera displayed in the Selected Channel drop down box. The



ping command opens and displays the results in the IP Camera Network Status dialog box.





IP Camera Properties

Opens a dialog box that allows you to assign an IP camera to a camera channel.







C2630M-C (7/09)


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Pelco dx8100 manual Understanding the DX8100 Resource Meter