Pelco dx8100 manual Loading an Existing Sequence List, Click Apply in the External Output

Models: dx8100

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9. Click Apply in the External Output page.





















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Figure 175. External Monitor: Manual Mapping

Loading an Existing Sequence List

To load an existing sequence list:

1.On the DX8100 toolbar, click the Setup button . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.

2.Click the Ext. Monitor button . The External Output page is displayed.

3.In the Manual Camera Mapping Mode section, do the following:

a.Click the button to select the Manual Camera Mapping mode.

b.Click Load to load or modify an existing sequence. The “Load profile” dialog box opens.

c.Select a profile.

d.Click OK.

The DX8100 dialog box opens, prompting you to append the sequence to the list.

C2630M-C (7/09)


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Pelco dx8100 manual Loading an Existing Sequence List, Click Apply in the External Output