C2630M-C (7/09) 259
record indicator 46
record rate, maximum 160, 161
recording mode
alarm, camera settings supported
alarm image quality 156
frame rate during alarm 156
image resolution 156
post-motion 156
pre-alarm 156
pre-alarm frame rate 156
pre-alarm image quality 156
ATM/POS, camera settings supported
ATM/POS image quality 156
frame rate during ATM/POS 156
image resolution 156
post-ATM/POS 156
pre-ATM/POS 156
pre-ATM/POS frame rate 156
pre-ATM/POS image quality 156
instant 47
instant, disabling 48
instant, enabling 48
motion, camera settings supported
frame rate during motion 156
image resolution 156
motion image quality 156
post-motion 156
pre-motion 156
pre-motion frame rate 156
pre-motion image quality 156
normal 47
normal, camera settings supported
frame rate 156
image quality 156
image resolution 156
recording schedule profile 144
scheduled modes 144, 145
recording modes 145
recording schedule 143
Event-Relay Link Settings page, accessing 134
linked relay output
removing from a camera 40
removing from an alarm input 41
manually turning On and Off 38
multiple relays, linking to one camera 40
relay output
alarm event, linking to 40, 135
ATM/POS event, linking to 135
motion event, linking to 134
number supported 132
video loss event, linking to 136
setting up
advanced relay output 163
basic operating properties 133
creating custom name for 133
relay output type, selecting 133
relay, selecting 133
single relay, linking to multiple cameras 40
remote camera
menu system, navigating using
Keypad controls 58, 59
PC keyboard keys 58, 59
PTZ OSD menu control 58
PTZ OSD menu controls 58, 59
programming features, accessing 58
protocol support 58
remote site
accessing features of 19
activating 217
active remote cameras, finding 217
connecting to 19
deleting 218
DHCP IP addressed, adding 216
disconnecting from 19
editing 218
logging into 19
logging out of 20
modifying 218
overview 214
static IP addressed, adding 214
remote sites
overview 214
resolution value, setting for recording 159
screen 26
Resource Meter 129
RS-232 178
RS-422/RS-485 178, 180
accessing 143
all record modes, clearing schedule 147
clearing a recording schedule 146
copying attributes 148, 152
custom settings 144
deleting a schedule 153
editing a profile 152
individual days, scheduling 148
multi-day schedule, creating 149
record mode 143
setting up 145
single day, creating 150
types of 144
yearly recording schedule, creating 147
screen resolution 26
mode 29
sharing of time range search 78
sensitivity, motion 118
server sites
connecting to DX8100 server sites 214
server, e-mail 238
Setup dialog box 114