Pelco dx8100 manual Sending E-mail Notifications to Groups, Sending E-mails to Groups

Models: dx8100

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Sending E-mail Notifications to Groups

To configure e-mail notification to send e-mail alerts to a group of individuals:

1.On the DX8100 toolbar, click the Setup button . The Setup dialog box opens to the Camera page.

2.Click the Notification button . The Notification page is displayed.

3.Click the Emergency E-mail Notification Setup tab.

4.Do the following:

a.Click the To check box.

b.In the drop-down box, select the group to which you want to send event notifications.

c.(Optional) If you want to e-mail a copy of the event notification to another group of users, click the CC: check box.

d.In the drop-down box, select the group you want to copy.

5.Click Apply.






Figure 185. Sending E-mails to Groups

C2630M-C (7/09)


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Pelco dx8100 manual Sending E-mail Notifications to Groups, Sending E-mails to Groups