Pelco dx8100 manual View Menu

Models: dx8100

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View Menu

Table D describes the DX8100 View menu commands.




Table D. View Menu Commands (1 of 2)








Opens a submenu with the following choices:


Site name: A global setting that, when selected, displays a site’s name in the respective view pane.


Camera name: A global setting that, when selected, displays a camera’s name in the respective view pane.


Video recording: A global setting that, when selected, displays an icon in the upper right corner of the pane, and



enables video recording for the cameras assigned to a view pane.


Audio recording: A global setting that, when selected, enables audio recording for the cameras assigned to a



view pane. The DX8100 compresses audio data to save space. In this case, recorded audio may not be of the



same quality as live audio.


PTZ: A global setting that, when selected, displays PTZ (if active) for the cameras assigned to a view pane.


Instant recording: A global setting that, when selected, displays the instant recording icon for the cameras



assigned to a view pane.


POS: A global setting that, when selected, displays POS (if active) for the cameras assigned to a view pane.


Select all: Selects all of the OSD options.


Background color: Opens a submenu with the following choices:



Set color: Opens the Colors palette for selecting or creating a background color.



Disable background: Disables a background color from being shown.




Opens a submenu with the following choices:


System On/Off


System failure






Network connection


• Login ID list with time


Video loss




Opens a submenu with the following choices:


1024 x 768


1280 x 1024



Cycle Views Setup

Opens a submenu with the following choices:


Dwell time change: Opens a submenu with the following choices for assigning permission to a user group,



allowing the selected user group to change the dwell time:



Restricted User Group



Standard User Group



Power User Group


Dwell time: Opens a submenu of dwell times with the following choices:



2 Sec.



5 Sec.



10 Sec.



30 Sec.



60 Sec.



Extended View

Enlarges the video image displayed in the view pane.



Index View

Opens the Event Index pane.






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Pelco dx8100 manual View Menu